Simple Deck Builder for The Lower 50% Game Mode


Controls and Instructions:

  • Tabs
    • There are 3 tabs at the top of each side, Library, Deck, and Stats.
      • Click on a tab to switch that side of the screen to it.
      • Clicking on a tab that's open on the opposite side of the screen will flip the two sides.
  • Selecting Cards
    • Click on a card to select it.
    • While a card is selected:
      • Library Card -> Deck Card: Adds the card to your deck.
      • Deck Card -> Deck Card: Swaps the places of two cards in your deck.
  • Library Filters
    • Entering Text in the search bar and then pressing enter, or clicking the green button will filter the library to show only cards that match the search.
      • Pressing enter with nothing selected will automatically select the search bar and let you start typing.
    • The top drop down menu is for selecting the attribute to search against.
      • You can change this with up/down or w/s while nothing is selected.
    • The bottom drop down menu is for selecting if you want to filter for all things matching, or all things not matching the search query.
      • You can change this with tab when nothing is selected.
    • Once you made a filter, the filter will show up in the filters box.
      • Clicking on a filter in the filter box will remove it.
        • You can also do this by pressing delete with nothing selected.
  • Library Controls
    • Page Controls
      • The two black arrows on either side of the Library are to move to the next/previous page. 
        • you can also use A/Left Arrow and D/Right Arrow to do this.
    • Library Zoom
      • Below the Library, there is a slider, sliding this will change how many cards you are looking at.
    • Page Number
      • Next to the Library Zoom Slider there is a fraction, the left number is the current page, the right number is the number of pages.
    • Stat Changer
      • The Slider at the top labeled "Most Recent Stats/Original Stats" changes between the old and new balance system.
  • Right Click Menu
    • Right Clicking a card will bring up a right click menu, in here you can:
      • Copy Card
      • Paste Card
      • Clear a Deck card back to default
      • Give a card a color tag that you can search for later
    • Double Right Clicking will repeat the last action made with right click.
      • Useful for doing large brute force tasks
      • If copy was the last action, double right clicking will paste instead
  • Deck Controls and Saving
    • Deck Size
      •  Above the deck there is a small input box with a number. This number is the amount of cards in your deck.
    • Saving Decks
      • Pressing the "Save" button below your deck will save it to the side bar.
      • Entering a name in the text input next to the save button will save the deck with that name
      • Pressing a deck button on the sidebar will load the saved deck.
      • Pressing the red button next to the deck button will delete the saved deck.
    • Deck Codes
      • Below the deck is a long string of numbers, this is the deck code
      • That code uniquely represents your deck, you can save and share this with others so they can see your deck!
      • Clicking on the deck code, deleting it, entering another deck code, and pressing "Load" will load a deck from a deck code.
  • Undo and Redo
    • Pressing z/y or the arrows above your deck will undo/redo the last change made to the deck.
      • undo can restore decks if you changed the entire deck using deck buttons or deck code.
      • You can undo an infinite amount of times all the way back to the start of the session
  • Stats
    • The Stats screen is useful for analyzing deck ratios.
      • Add stat bars by using the search bar, same controls as the library.
      • Stats are tracked in the bar graph above.

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